Saturday 29 April 2017

Applying Textures

The three textures used:

This light texture was used on the ramps up to the roof landscape to emphasise the ascension taking place, which was further emphasised through the angular nature of the texture, demonstrating how this design utilises the theme "architecture as landscape" in the ramp's duality of use.

This texture (medium) wasn't as explicitly used as the other textures - instead of being applied directly, the form took inspiration from the texture, showing the light vs darkness contrast more clearly as the sunlight will actually create shadows of this form. This shows how the theme architecture as a landscape allows for unique fluid luminosity, especially in the fractal nature of the design, where elements of varying sizes interplay to demonstrate a consistent theme.

The final dark texture was used on the under ramp wall face to dramatise the darkness of the area. It then also especially highlights this difference due to the the proximity of it to the light texture - effectively on the other side to it.This really shows how the theme fluid luminosity is present in this design, due to the contrasting varying levels of light in close proximity that fluidly change.

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